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Registries & Clubs

In January of 2006 the AKC recognized the Shorty Jack Russell Terrier as a separate and distinctly different breed of terrier than the taller, hunting Parson JRT. And the AKC followed the Australian Kennel Club lead in calling the Shortys "Russell Terriers" to designate them separately from the Parsons JRT. Our breeding stock had previously been veterinarian certified as healthy and excellent specimens by the EJRTCA and by the parent club the American Russell Terrier Club. The AKC recognizes these foundation dogs as AKC/FSS which means approved Foundation Stock Service for AKC registered dogs.


The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America (JRTCA) is for the Parson JRT, the taller 12-16" hunting dog. The English Jack Russell Terrier Club Alliance (EJRTCA) is a breed registry that is a unique registry. They have been designed specifically to maintain the Jack Russell Terrier as a healthy working breed, free from genetic faults and characteristics that would be detrimental to the breed. Each application for registration in the JRTCA and the EJRTCA, is judged on the individual terrier's own merits; having registered parents does not automatically guarantee that a terrier can be registered. A terrier is not eligible for registration until it reaches one year of age and has attained its adult height, dentition, and other aspects considered for full maturity. Each terrier's application for registration must be accompanied by the following documents:

Veterinary Certificate - A JCTRA or EJRTCA Veterinary Certificate, designed specifically for the Jack Russell Terrier, must be completed and signed by a licensed veterinarian stating that he or she has examined the terrier and found it to be free from inherited defects.

- A complete pedigree, signed by the breeder (a 3 generation is a required minimum for tentative registration and 4 or 5 is preferred for full registry). Neither the JRTCA nor the EJRTCA will accept any terrier that is inbred according to the JRTCA's and EJRTCA's inbreeding policy.

Stud Service Certificate - A stud certificate signed by the owner of the sire, verifying that they bred their stud dog to the dam of the terrier applying for registration.

Color Photographs - Clear photos, standing on a firm surface, clearly showing each side and the front of the terrier, are required in order to evaluate the terrier's general adherence to the breed standard.

The JRTCA, EJRTCA and the JRT Club of Great Britain (JRTCGB), along with the majority of the JR Clubs in the world, strongly oppose recognition of the Jack Russell by any kennel club/national all-breed registry. Most JRT owners, and all working terrier people, seem to be in complete agreement on this issue. The highest compliments the JRTCA and the EJRTCA receive come from its registry. Those familiar with kennel club registries would say that they are proud to be associated with a registry that turns down dogs with genetic faults. Some kennel club registries accept anything, and thus implicitly condone breeding from it. By turning down dogs with inherited defects, the JRTCA and the EJRTCA are doing a much-needed service to protect the Jack Russell and keep out serious faults in the breed.

The UKC accepted the Jack Russell Terrier for registration in 1992, against the advice of the JRTCA. The JRTCA and EJRTCA view this as a clear and present danger to its efforts of preserving and protecting the Jack Russell Terrier, and in no way endorses recognition of the Jack Russell Terrier by the UKC or any other all-breed registry. All Jack Russell Terrier owners are asked to support the JRTCA and the EJRTCA in their efforts to protect and preserve the Jack Russell Terrier, as we know it today. The JRTCA and the EJRTCA fully expect that in the future they will have to face further challenges as the Jack Russell Terrier becomes more and more popular, and trust that the JRTCA and EJRTCA members, and all Jack Russell enthusiasts, will be equal to the task.

The Parson JRT Club in England actively campaigned for and acquired British Kennel Club recognition for a terrier meeting a narrow portion of the JRT breed standard. This small group has only been in existence a few years and has formed their own standard including only a specific size and type, 12-15 inches tall, which they claim was preferred by Rev. Parson himself. The BKC accepted the proposal, however, the JRTCA, EJRTCA and JRTCGB will refuse membership to anyone belonging to The Parson JRT Club, the Jack Russell Terrier Breeder's Assoc., or who have JRT's registered with the BKC or the UKC.

In the fall of 1996, the AKC accepted the JRT in its new Foundation Stock Registry. Dogs registered here cannot compete in AKC events. AKC officials state that this type of registry is a holding area for breeds so that they can obtain the numbers, registrations and statistics necessary to become fully recognized. The recognition process could take anywhere from two to twenty years but it has begun.

Jack Russell Terrier Clubs

English Jack Russell Terrier Club Alliance, 450 Columbia 50, Magnolia, AK 71753 www.ejrtca.com

Jack Russell Terrier Club of America Inc., P.O. Box 4527, Lutherville, MD 21094

Jack Russell Terrier Club of Canada, 242 Henrietta St, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada, L2A2K7

Jack Russell Terrier Club of Great Britain, Aston Heath Farm, Sudbury, Derbyshire England DEGS88

There are several others, the Australian JRT organization, a World Federation club and organization, several European organizations as well as one in Japan. The www.ejrtca.com site has the address links for these clubs.

History of the JRT | Breed Standards | Registries & Clubs | JRT Trials & Meets | Russell Rescue